
Monday, February 10, 2014

GreekBible V1

Announcing the release of Greek Bible (Version 1):




Greek Bible displays the Greek New Testament with color coded morphology.
The color cording allows the reader to quickly see associated words in the greek text.


  • Read the Greek of any New Testament Book from the SBL Greek New Testament
  • View details for each word:
    • View the Lemma (the root word)
    • View the Part of Speech
    • View the Morphology
  • View the color coding for the Part of Speech and Morpology to quickly see associated words
The MorphGNT includes a parsed morphological tagging of the SBL Greek New Testament. This work was created by James Tauber as part of his doctorite in linguistics.
More information about MorphGNT is found at:
The SBL Greek New Testament
With the work of textual criticism far from complete, there is a continual need for fresh research and analysis. The SBLGNT, edited by Michael W. Holmes, utilizes a wide range of printed editions, all the major critical apparatuses, and the latest technical resources and manuscript discoveries to establish the text.
The result is a critically edited text that differs from the Nestle-Aland/United Bible Societies text in more than 540 variation units.
More information about the SBL Greek New Testament is found at:



Developer Notes


The project was a great success for my first 5HourApp. Although, it took about 8 hours plus some extra time researching tools and setting up the environment.
I was able to rewrite the entire GreekBible. I only used a few pieces of logic from the oldGreekBible. It was unneccesary to reuse code because the frameworks I used actually made the code very simple to write from scratch.
Bottom Line: I was able to write a $5,000 web app that runs everywhere in about 8 hours. That's not bad!
5-Hour App
This proves that the 5HourApp concept is valid. I can actually create a fully functioning app to release in around 5 hours. The important part is to trim features and identify the most important user features to implement.
Feature Oriented Software Development
I feature organized my code files. This enabled me to focus on one feature at a time. It also allowed me to have a good separation of concerns between user features and the underlying system features that they need to function.
I identified two possible ways to divide a ViewModel across multiple files. In this project I used a mainViewState with a sub object for each feature.
An alternative would be to use typescript interfaces and a static object that is gradually implemented.
KnockoutJS is great! This was my first time to use it and it was a pleasure. I highly recommend it! I will be using it as my UI framework of choice.
jQueryMobile worked fine with all the defaults in place. However, one bug cost me about an hour because the generated jQueryMobile UI did not match the native UI behind it.
Next time something is not changing, inspect the DOM and see if there is a lone SPAN tag that doesn't match the actual $(element).val() or $(element).text(). Ensure that the proper refresh call is being made for jQueryMobile, which is different for each element type.
I created a refreshJQM Knockout binding to deal with this. I will expand it to automatically call the proper refresh code according to the bound element type.

File Structure

  • Notes
    • Developer Notes
      • Required Tools
      • Setup
      • Interesting Techniques
    • Release Notes
      • Summary
      • Feature Descriptions
      • Version Changes
    • ScreenShots
  • Scripts
    • js
      • Javascript Source Files (Not Generated)
      • External: Code from outside sources and libraries
    • ts
      • TypeScript
      • *.ts files: TypeScript Source Code
      • *.js files: Generated Javascript
      • External: Code from outside sources and libraries
      • Core: Definitions for core types
      • System: Features that are invisible to the user, but provide functionality for the User Features
      • User: Features which represent the user tasks and concerns
  • Styles
    • css
      • CSS Source Files (not generated)
    • sass
      • Sass Files created using Compass
      • *.scss - Sassy CSS source
      • *.css - Generated CSS

Environment & Project Setup (Pre-Project)

  • Visual Studio Express 2012 - Web
  • Git Extensions for Windows
  • TypeScript for VS
    • To Enable Compile on Save:
      • Tools/Options
      • > Text Editor/TypeScript/Project/General
      • > Automatically Compile...
    • TODO: Create a bat file to produce one js file for release (Indivudual files is good during Testing)
  • NuGet Package Manager - VS Extension
  • FAIL: Chutzpah Console (Extensions not Enabled for VS Express)
    • Download Console and unzipped to my Tools Folder
    • Created a bat file to run all the tests in the ts directory
      • chutzpah.console.exe ../WebSite/Scripts/ts /testMode TypeScript /openInBrowser
    • FAIL: This takes a long time to run and it failed to run a valid test. Testing in browser with a qunit tag enables debugging in browser and is fast.
  • jQuery Mobile
    • Copied Code from Demo to get started
      • jQuery.js
      • jQueryMobile.js
      • Default Theme Css
      • Images
    • TypeScript Definitions
      • NuGet PM> Install-Package jquery.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped
      • FAILED: NuGet PM> Install-Package jquerymobile.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped
      • NuGet PM> Install-Package jquerymobile.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped -Version 0.1.2
  • QUnit
    • QUnit JS & CSS
    • TypeScript Definitions
      • NuGet PM> Install-Package qunit.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped
  • KnockoutJS
    • knockout JS
    • TypeScript Definitions
      • NuGet PM> Install-Package knockout.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped
  • LinqJS
    • linq JS
    • TypeScript Definitions
      • NuGet PM> Install-Package linq.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped


  • QUnit Pavlov Plugin - BDD
    • This looks like a good plugin to enable Behavior Driven Design language for QUnit tests
    • Would Require a TypeScript Definition File to be created


  • BUG: jQueryMobile was not updating the visible part of a select element (the native element was being updated, but the span on top was remaining an old value)
    • FIX: ($(element)).selectmenu('refresh');
  • FAIL: Chutzpah Console caused wasted time and is unneccessary

Work Hours

Hour 1

  • Created the structure for the DisplayGreekText feature
  • Problems:
    • Running the qunit test for loading the sample text fails using Chutzpah

Hour 2

  • Parsed the data from a chapter of text
    • Used oldGreekBible's parsing code as a starting place
  • Passing Tests

Hour 3

  • Displayed the passage text on screen with the details
    • Used oldGreekBible's formatting of the details

Hour 4

  • Started to implement ChoosePassage
  • Problems:
    • TypeScript does not support Partial classes, so had to pause to think about how to implement that
    • Slow Today
    • Not finished implementing ChoosePassage

Hour 5

  • Divided Data into Chapters
  • Binding Book and Chapter values to UI
  • Triggering Reload on Book/Chapter change
  • Started: Debugging UI binding
  • Started: LoadPassage

Hour 6

  • BUG: Chapter Select was not updating
    • FIX (1 hour): Finally discovered it was jQueryMobile not refreshing the UI

Hour 7

  • Display Color Coding
  • Finished Up Tasks
  • Removed Unprintable Characters
  • Removed QUnit results

Hour 8

  • [X] Display Verse Numbers
  • [X] Create Release Branch
  • [X] Write Blog
  • [X] Publish
  • [X] Publish Blog

1 comment:

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